Child Custody

Physical, Legal and Joint Custody

It’s important to know the two different types of custody – physical and legal.

Physical custody determines with who the child(ren) live, and legal custody specifies which parent makes decisions related to health, education and welfare of the child. Joint is possible when both parents can work together successfully in the best interest of the child(ren).

Disputes over custody can cause much bitterness between divorcing parents and it can be easy to lose sight of what’s really important. We offer compassionate representation focused on the best interest of the children and protecting your rights. We’ll also help you work toward resolution before trial. When you take a child custody dispute to court, you are putting the outcome in the hands of the judge.


We can help you secure your rights for visitation. We handle extended visitation and supervised visitation. Oregon also has statutes providing for visitation by non-parents and we can help evaluate the merits of your case.

Parenting Plans

Washington and Oregon law requires a parenting plan in court cases involving parenting time. We can help you draft and negotiate a parenting plan that is best for your children and protects your rights.