ECLF Now Providing Mediation

Elizabeth Christy Law Firm is pleased to announce that seasoned attorney, Austin Batalden, is now providing mediation services for family law cases as well as drafting and filing services. For more information please contact us at (503)847-2900 or . Remote conference solutions are available.

Guidance & Recommendations for Parents Affected by Stay-At-Home Order

Definition of Spring Break, Summer Break/Vacation or Holidays: While the schools are closed, parenting time shall continue as if the children are still attending school in accordance with the school calendar of the relevant district. “Spring break,” “summer break/vacation” or other designated holidays, means the regularly calendared breaks/vacations or holidays in the school district where the…

Wedding rings

Gray Divorce

Gray Divorce is a term increasingly used for divorces involving couples in long term marriages or couples that are near or past retirement age at the time of their divorce. Just as with other divorcing couples, the reasons that older couples and couples in long term marriages divorce vary. Disagreements about managing finances, infidelity, factors…