Wedding rings

Gray Divorce

Gray Divorce is a term increasingly used for divorces involving couples in long term marriages or couples that are near or past retirement age at the time of their divorce. Just as with other divorcing couples, the reasons that older couples and couples in long term marriages divorce vary. Disagreements about managing finances, infidelity, factors…

Same Sex Divorce

Same Sex Divorce

Same sex marriages have been legally recognized in Oregon since May 2014. Many same sex couples that eventually married in Oregon had been married or otherwise legally solemnized their relationship in another state or country or went through relationship commitment ceremonies before they could be legally married in Oregon. In some cases, the court may…

M. Erica Aquadro

Article by M. Erica Aquadro featured in the Vancouver Business Journal

An article by our very own M. Erica Aquadro was featured on the Vancouver Business Journal. The article can be read in full by visiting this link: A transcript is below: Four key considerations for divorce under new tax bill A few noteworthy provisions in December 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act could significantly…